Walk with Us to Celebrate the TEAL Pumpkin Project

 In Food Allergy Awareness, Spotlight

You will have fun, meet others and support food allergy education, advocacy, awareness and research when you join Allergy Partners of North Texas for a Walk on Halloween.

The FARE Walk for Food Allergy is an annual event that takes place at various intervals across the country. Since the Walk is on Halloween – FARE would like for participants to dress in costume or your Team t-shirts. There will be decorated Teal Pumpkins for participants to bid on and use at home that evening with trick-or-treaters. The Teal Pumpkin on your porch identifies your home as Food Allergy Friendly – giving out non-food items to the trick-or-treaters.

You and your family can join our team or set up you own team to participate in this popular fundraiser. Find all the details at FARE Walk for Food Allergy.

Remember to mark your calendar!

FARE Walk for Food Allergy Dallas 2015
October 31, 2015
Oak Point Park & Nature Preserve Amphitheater

2801 E. Spring Creek Pkwy.
Plano, TX
Check- In: 9-10 AM
Ceremony: 10 AM

The WALK begins immediately follows the Ceremony.

Join our Team – Allergy Partners of NTX, or make your own team and collect donations that go to FARE!

Hope to See You There!

The TEAL PUMPKIN PROJECT and the Teal Pumpkin Image are trademarks of Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE).

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