Going Back to School with Food Allergies

For families or patients living with food allergies, going back to school can be a stressful time. Especially for those kids going to school for the first time, there can be a great deal of [...]

Infant OIT

Oral Immunotherapy (OIT) has seen a great amount of progress over the last 10 years. As providers we have been able to work with patients and their families in not only preventing [...]

Hidden Allergens at Christmas and Holidays

 Everywhere you go during the holiday season, you’ll find hidden allergens lurking: in the food at Christmas parties, in edible decorations, special, traditional foods with milk, egg and/or nuts! [...]

Food Allergies in Kids and Their Siblings

In a new study 1120 children whose siblings were diagnosed with food allergy were tested with skin prick tests, food specific blood tests and review of clinical history of food reactions. What [...]