Managing Food Allergy Recipes During the COVID-19 Crisis

Find ways to make staying at home with your food allergic kids a plus, not a minus.

Managing food allergies is a challenge even in the best of times, but adding the COVID-19 crisis to the mix doesn’t make it any easier. And, yes, the limited supply of foods that are safe for food allergy sufferers is certainly a reason for concern. However, there may be some positive aspects to the ‘stay-at-home’ scenario if you put on your thinking cap.

Being at home gives parents a little more control over how and what their food allergic kids are eating. Of course, most kids get bored easily, so why not take the opportunity to work on some new, creative ‘no fear of food’ recipes — together?

For parents who have been managing food allergy for years, inventing new takes on various safe foods is probably routine. But the opportunity to collaborate with your child or children on new food avoidance recipes could be a very positive discovery for everyone.

Kids with Food Allergies is a wonderful website with amazing recipes such as Pancakes that are deliciously egg and milk-free.  Or cheese and bacon Mini Pizzas made with toast. You can even contribute your own recipes on their website if you wish. Check it out and have some fun.

With temperatures starting to warm up, this yummy smoothie would be great for breakfast, and can be made with either milk or almond milk. And while you can find strawberries in the freezer, there are plenty of fresh strawberries available now, so why not take advantage of the season?

3 Ingredient Strawberry Banana Smoothie


  • 1 ripe banana sliced (about 1/2 cup)
  • 10 ounces sliced strawberries (you can use fresh or frozen)
  • 1/2 cup millk (or almond milk)


  1. Place the strawberries, bananas, and milk in a blender. Puree until smooth and creamy.

This mom has shared over 50 recipes for kids with food allergies. Here’s an intriguing Chicken Taco recipe the whole family will love. Made with quinoa, pronounced (keen-wah), a seed grain that’s been around since the Incas. Multi-purpose and every so tasty.

Since you may be staying at home with the kids for a yet-to-be-determined length of time, why not make the most of it and get creative. Let the kids create food allergy recipes of their own (even it sounds weird). Learning by doing is a wonderful teacher. Use your imagination and savvy parenting skills and everyone will benefit.


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