How Oral Immunotherapy Changed Our Lives – One Parent’s Story

“My son has now completed the egg and peanut Oral Immunotherapy programs and we are so thrilled. It has affected everyone in our family and has made life for him so much easier! When he was 5-years old, we began with the egg desensitization. This was difficult to complete because he was so young and didn’t really understand the reasoning behind what he was doing. But we persevered and it was well worth it.

The next stage was peanut Oral Immunotherapy. He started on the peanut desensitization and shortly after he completed the program, he had his 9th birthday. We ordered a birthday cake for him, which was very exciting. He now enjoys being able to go to birthday parties and to friends’ houses and not be worried about what he’s going to eat. When we go out to restaurants he orders whatever he wants, including dessert! He is so happy with his new freedom.

We originally decided on the Oral Immunotherapy so he would be safe if he happened to come in contact with either egg or peanut. I knew we couldn’t protect him forever and one day he would be heading out on his own. We wanted peace of mind for him and hoped to provide the same opportunities that people without food allergies have.

What we didn’t realize at the time is how the decision to do the Oral Immunotherapy would change his life on a daily basis. While he doesn’t like eating the egg powder every day, he doesn’t complain because he knows what it’s like to be allergic to it and understands it is helping him. He is also incredibly happy to now be included in activities and sit with his friends at lunch without worrying that he might have an allergic reaction when eating food.

We thank our doctors for providing our son with this incredible opportunity. It has changed the lives of our entire family in many ways. Dr. Wasserman and his staff have gone above and beyond in offering Oral Immunotherapy to their patients, giving them new hope and enriched lives.”

Thank you!

Jennifer S.



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